IN 70 North you can enjoy complete bliss and private housing in the Kaldoaivi wilderness area or you can choose to stay alongside the breathtaking views of ​the River Teno.

en - 70º North 1

70º North

Iglu-majoitus, Kalastus, Koiravaljakkoajelut, Majoitus, Melonta ja suppailu, Mökit, huvilat, Moottorikelkkailu, Ohjelmapalvelut, Pilkkiminen, Poro-ohjelmat, Revontuliretket, Vaeltaminen ja retkeily
+358 50 36 97 971
Pulmankijärventie 664, Nuorgam 99990


Majoitusta ja aktiviteettejä Nuorgamissa

70 North offers private and unique cottages in Nuorgam, the northernmost village in Finland.

We also arrange unforgettable activities in the magical Kaldoaivi Wilderness area.

Our cottages:

-Karetörmä by Teno River with a beautiful view
-Hillagammi wilderness cottage in the valley of Avvatsohka fell
-Tunturikelo on the edge of the Kaldoaivi Wilderness
-Riekkojärvi wilderness cottage by the lakes

Activities and Services:

-Snowmobile safari
-Ice fishing trips
-Husky safari
-Reindeer safari
-Cross country skiing
-Wilderness transportation service during summer and winter
-Snowmobile and ski rental
-Guide services

Cottages and activities in Nuorgam

70 North offers private and unique cottages in Nuorgam, the northernmost village in Finland.
We also arrange unforgettable activities in the magical Kaldoaivi Wilderness area.

Our cottages:

-Karetörmä by Teno River with a beautiful view
-Hillagammi wilderness cottage in the valley of Avvatsohka fell
-Tunturikelo on the edge of the Kaldoaivi Wilderness
-Riekkojärvi wilderness cottage by the lakes

Activities and Services:

-Snowmobile safari
-Ice fishing trips
-Husky safari
-Reindeer safari
-Cross country skiing
-Wilderness transportation service during summer and winter
-Snowmobile and ski rental
-Guide services


Pulmankijärventie 664
99990 Nuorgam
Katso reittiohjeet

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